Rina Schenfeld's groundbreaking contributions to contemporary dance have solidified her place as a visionary artist and teacher in the world of dance. Her unique choreographic style, which seamlessly integrates objects and accessories, has left an indelible mark on the Israeli dance landscape and...
Jonathan Karmon (July 28, 1931 – February 6, 2020) was an Israeli dancer and choreographer, and a Holocaust survivor. He was the founder and director of the dance troupe that bore his name - "Karmon."
Was an Israeli businessman, dancer, and choreographer, who also served as the chairman of the Israel Football Association.
Sarah Levi-Tanai (1910 – October 2, 2005) was an Israeli choreographer and composer, the founder and director of the dance troupe "Inbal," and a pioneer of dance in Israel. She was awarded the Israel Prize for Dance in 1973.
Liat Dror and Nir Ben-Gal are a renowned Israeli duo of dancers and choreographers.
Ezekiel (Hazi) Leskali (July 26, 1952 – May 26, 1994) was a poet, choreographer, and art critic of Israeli origin.
Deborah Bertanov, born on March 12, 1915, and passing away on April 19, 2010, was an Israeli dancer, choreographer, and dance researcher. She was also the recipient of the Israel Prize for Dance in 1991.
Fred Astaire (May 10, 1899 - June 22, 1987) was an American dancer, choreographer, singer, and actor of Jewish descent who left an indelible mark on American cinema and theater.
In the world of Jewish music, there exists a maestro whose biography, heritage, legacy, and contribution to the Jewish community and heritage have harmoniously intertwined to create a symphony of cultural significance. This is the story of Tzadi Tzarfati.